Will A Lawn Mower Get Ruined In The Rain? All You Need To Know


Most lawnmowers boast outstanding features to withstand certain temperature ranges and various weather conditions. 

However, if you constantly leave this machine outside without covering, it may suffer some problems such as corrosion or rust. 

For this reason, you should store it properly. And you may wonder: Will a lawn mower get ruined in the rain? 

If you’ve owned this machine for the first time, it’s best to dive into this article to learn suitable ways to use it!

Will A Lawn Mower Get Ruined In The Rain?

The bad news is yes! If you keep your lawnmower in the rain for a long time, it will break and can’t work correctly. 

The machine has been exposed to bad weather conditions for too long. This exposure causes the engine, blades, fuel lines, and deck to ruin. 

In fact, most mower models are built to resist harsh weather conditions. It means they can still work if it’s light rain. 

However, it’s different if you constantly keep your machine under torrential downpours without coverage. 

As a result, water will quickly enter the engine and other components and cause mechanical problems or obliterate your device. 

Read more: How To Store A Lawn Mower Outside Without A Shed?

The mower will get damaged in the rain.

What Happens If You Leave Your Lawn Mower In The Rain?

If you don’t store your lawnmower correctly and leave it in the downpours, it will quickly develop rust. Also, the deck part starts to show corrosion signs. 

Gradually, the blades may get damaged and dull, making clipping the grass evenly challenging. You can watch this video to sharpen the blade.

Read more: [Top 5] Best Grit For Sharpening Lawn Mower Blades

The situation will worsen if the rainwater goes into the engine, which will make your machine stop working. 

Besides, several issues occur when leaving your mower in rainy conditions. Let’s see how rainwater destroys it!


Rainwater may fill up your lawnmower’s engine and ruin the ratio between fuel and oxygen in the combustor. 

The combustion inside the engine burns gasoline and oxygen. If rainwater gets inside, it will prevent the engine from producing the planned explosions required to push the machine forward.

Spark Plugs

If the spark plugs get wet and soaked, they won’t work. Therefore, they can’t provide power to the battery and the device engine. 

Blades & Deck

Constant exposure to water may cause the deck and blade to rust and eventually break apart. 

Rust erodes the metallic components, creating holes and jagged edges everywhere, which is unsightly and gradually reduces productivity.

Potential damages

How Do You Fix A Lawn Mower That Has Been Rained On? 

If you left your lawnmower in the rain last night, it might not work the following day. 

The first solution is to turn your machine on to remove moisture. This way, your mower can dry out by generating heat when the engine runs. 

If there is no severe damage, this temperature from the engine can get rid of moisture in the engine and the machine. 

It would be best if you did this practice regularly since it can prevent rust from developing inside and outside your machine. 

But what should you do if your mower can’t operate after you’ve tried the above technique? 

Learning how your machine system works to solve the root causes would be best. Here is what you should do to make your device run again.

Check the oil and fuel tanks. The rainwater may go into the carburetor and gas tank. 

Empty the fuel from your machine into another clean container. The presence of tiny bubbles in the gasses indicates the existence of water.

If that’s the case, you must remove all the parts of your machine and clean them thoroughly. 

After that, allow time for these components to dry completely. Finally, you can reassemble them all again. 

If you find it challenging to do this task, it’s best to get repair-stores experts to fix it. 

Tips for fixing the machine

What Would You Do If Your Lawn Mower Gets Caught In The Rain? 

If your machine gets caught in the rain, the tips below may help fix it. 

Avoid laying your device on one side because oil may spill out. Use starter fluid to spray into its carburetor. 

After that, try turning on and running your mower to support the drying process and prevent rusting on the deck and blade. 

If the machine can operate, drive it for a few minutes. At this time, it may make some noises. It’s normal!

After driving your machine, remove its air filter, clean it carefully, and dry it thoroughly. 

If you find it hard to pull start your mower, drain the oil and gas. This way, it will completely dry before operating again. 

You may have to get a brand-new spark plug. Moreover, check the internal coil to determine whether your machine gets rusted by the water. 

If that’s the case, remove the coil and use sandpaper and a wire brush to clean it thoroughly. 

Additionally, invest in rust protection so your mower can stay in good condition and shape before it downpours. 

Is It Best To Mow Before Or After Rain? 

It’s advisable to cut grass before the rain. If you notice your lawn is dry while it’s getting to rain, you should mow your yard quickly to avoid downpours. 

Otherwise, waiting until the grass is completely dry after it rains would be best. Cutting dry grass is beneficial because it will promote healthier growth. 

After cutting the lawn, the grass has open wounds. If you mow before it rains, the grass can absorb more moisture and recover more quickly.

Besides, mowing after the rain may cause potential risks. For instance, you may slip in the yard and cause yourself injury

Moreover, the machine may drag grass clumps around your lawn if wet. 

Mow before the rain

Is It Ok To Mow Lawn In Rain? 

It’s not a good idea to mow the lawn in the rain. Here are the explanations:

  • When it rains, grass can’t stand up, which causes terrible and uneven cuttings. 
  • Wet grass will be heavier to blow off, forming dead spots. 
  • The water makes the grass thicker, which harms the engine or motor of lawn mowers.
  • The mower may become sluggish and halt if you attempt to cut the turf too short.
  • The risk of accidents increases while someone mows the yard in downpours or other slippery weather.

The Bottom Line

Will a lawn mower get ruined in the rain? The answer is Yes! The rainwater entering the engine will cause your machine to stop working.

Moreover, when you leave your device in rainy conditions, the blade, deck, and fuel lines can encounter problems and break. 

For this reason, remember to keep your mower from the rain and store it in dry places. Hopefully, this post will be helpful for you. Thanks for reading!

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